Why people prefer e-commerce over traditional retailing

Why people prefer e-commerce
There are so many reasons why people prefer buying online than in traditional brick and mortar retail shops. The first reason is convenience. There is a certain level of convenience related to buying goods online. Unlike conventional retailing e-commerce does not require you to visit the shop physically. It will be expensive for individuals to visit the location where they want to buy goods. For example a person who lives in Tanzania would have to travel to the United States in order to buy the latest iPhone from the istore. However with e-commerce someone from such a country can now purchase something online and have it delivered by package delivery companies such as DHL and FedEx.
People prefer e-commerce over conventional retailing due to crime
There are some locations that are full of crime. This makes it impossible for people to buy something without being robbed of their hard earned money or belongings. Therefore buying stuff online offers a form of relief from street crime. The delivery company will simply deliver your e-commerce products to you by hand.
People prefer e-commerce because of time convenience
Time convenience is another factor that makes e-commerce more preferable to buyers than conventional retailing. There is no need to go to a shop when you are conducting an e-commerce transaction this means that you won’t spend much time walking around. When buying stuff from traditional retailers there is always the need to physically visit the shop. Due to your busy schedule you might not be able to do so. This means that e-commerce might offer a form of relief from the time burden.
People prefer e-commerce because it offers a large line of products in one place
E-commerce has by far the largest variety of products located in one place unlike traditional retailing.