L2 Digital IQ Index: Top Grocery Brands in Digital 2018

L2 Digital IQ Index: Top Grocery Brands in Digital 2017
With estimates suggesting that 70% of US consumers could be purchasing groceries online by 2022, US grocery retailers are finally waking up and investing in e-commerce. To date, most brick-and-mortar grocery brands have relied primarily on third-party platforms like Instacart for functionality but by doing so they sacrifice brand loyalty on these platforms. While some brands have initiated ecommerce site investments, most grocery sites lack the functionality to help shoppers build baskets and discover products. just half of brands cross sell on product pages and only 27% display sponsored products on grid pages, missing additional sales opportunities. The majority of retailers also fail to show product ratings and reviews. Important features for easing shoppers’ quality concerns. Most brands have also failed to close the shopping loop between their digital and physical properties through mobile. only 58% of brick-and-mortar grocers allow customers to save coupons on their mobile site and just 26% allowed consumers to easily access a shopping list from their mobile site header. Amazon leads the index in L2’s first digital IQ index, grocery, providing a best-in-class ecommerce experience seamlessly integrating ads and sponsored listings and incorporating handoff between Amazon sites depending on the product. The retailer’s product pages are also rich with ratings reviews and other content that eases shoppers’ concerns with quality. The great white shark of retail also excels on Google search with the highest visibility on store and delivery terms as well as outsized presence against branded product queries. Walmart takes second place in our index. The brand excels on omni-channel efforts including free same-day pickup for orders over $30 and provides discounts for product bundles to encourage bigger baskets. The retailer also dominates social media, earning traffic from BuzzFeed Tasty videos that link to the retailer’s product pages and earn hundreds of millions of views. L2’s inaugural digital IQ index, grocery, benchmarks the digital competence of sixty grocery retailers in the United States. for these and more insights visit L2inc.com